Stick Empire Fan Stories Wiki

YAY I'M BACK!! Anyways, I have been very busy with school but I am now ready to continue you on my stories. You will soon see advancments in The Incredible Mutt: Team Zero, A War For Balance, and my space empire lore article. 

ALSO COMING: Space Empire Roleplay

Yes, I finally have the beginning! It will soon be up, but characters must be created first! Please respond to this post with your characters!


  • Glorf - Miner, and prayer that evolves from Slime Warrior
  • Slime Warrior - Melee warrior that encases the troop that killed the warrior in slime, immobilizing them for 3 seconds (The troop can still be attacked) (Effect does not work on flying or large troops[Supersized(Elemental Empire Spell) or tank])
  • Space Archer - Ranged attacker that shoots stun arrows every 4 arrows; When armor is destroyed, Space Archer turns into a stunning turret with 1 health bar
  • Mage - Ranged Spellcaster- Mages are more advanced than Magikill and Infernos, as they have unlocked Shard, an ice version of Vastolis that uses freeze. Mages are also capable of casting a 'Blind Gate II' spell with a castle upgrade. It works the same as the original blind gate from the elemental empire, but enemy troops can go through it, stunning them for 3 seconds - Blind Gate II lasts for 10 seconds
  • Space Knight - A more powerful version of a Knight from the Great Knights Empire; uses a concentrated energy sword - throws the sword at 1/2 health and draw 2 throwing hunting knives, throwing them - then can take out a plasma bow. Weakness: Can be swarmed
  • Destroyer - Elite melee troops that use double plasma stun knives wrecking havoc among enemy lines
  • Kenstha - Flying ranged - Kenstha have plasma crossbows that are modified to shoot arrows faster than normal and shoot plasma arrows with stun and increased damage every 5 arrows


  • The Shadow Assasins - Super advanced space empire people that are very fast, have average health, and have very good cloaking abilities. Can jump very high, and serve the throne as secret warriors to kill off any major foes.
  • The Honor Guard - Much like the Shadow Assasins, these are very good warriors with high health, ranged and melee offense and defense capabilities, and lots of speed. They also fly as the honor guard is split into the super ranged flying space archers and very good versions of juggernauts. They serve the monarchs of the Space Empire as the courtroom guards, and are some of the only people who still live that know about the shadow assassins.